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About The Trip

Masada, Ir David, Water Tunnels ????

iceisrael July 26, 2016

Our messy hair, morning breath, and drool covered pillows did not get in our way as we woke up at four in the morning to get ready for a jam-packed and eventful day. Early wakeups usually meet with cranky and irritable kids but instead all of us campers were enthusiastic and excited about the activities we had ahead of us. All dressed up in our goofy-looking hiking gear carrying gallons of water, we made our way to breakfast where we were treated to a delicious cake and coffee meal. We soon after began our journey on what seemed to be a never-ending mountain. Although the task of climbing the tall and steep mountain of Masada seemed daunting and challenging, we all knew that together we would make it a fun and meaningful experience.  As we joined together to recite Shacharit at the top of the mountain we felt the heat from the morning sun on our faces and the refreshing desert wind blowing through our hair. Being able to pray together on a beautiful mountain overlooking the Holy Land truly gave us a sense of meaning and unity. We then were given an interesting and informative tour about Masada’s history and meaning to the Jewish People. After a few hours we finally finished our hike from the mountain and felt extremely accomplished and delighted that we all shared that experience together. The fun did not end there because we then went to Jerusalem where we walked on the beautiful Tayelet. We all conversed and had a great time as we appreciated the gorgeous scenery in the holy city. After that we made a pit stop at a delicious Pizza place for a filling lunch to get us energized for the tour of the Hezkiyahu water tunnels at Ir David. We learned about the ancient architecture that traces back to our ancestors as we made our way through the dark and interesting tunnels. We all discussed the fun and unbelievable experience we had throughout the day over a delicious dinner at a new hotel. To conclude the night, we had a spirited tye-dying activity that we will surely never forget. It is truly unbelievable that in only 24 hours we had such a meaningful and fun-filled experience. Throughout the day, one amazing activity after the other we gained a stronger sense of unity as a group and a greater connection to our beautiful Homeland. Although this all happened in a span of one day, the memories will certainly last a lifetime!

