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About The Trip

Free Shabbat – Orly Krupp

iceisrael July 30, 2016

I spent my free Shabbat in Hadera with my great- aunt and uncle. The second I left the train station in Tel- Aviv I started missing my ICE family and didn’t know if I’d make it through Shabbat without our familiar Friday night dancing and motzei Shabbat ebbing. Luckily, my free weekend was very relaxing and fun, starting with spending Thursday night with a close friend from GIVE. Over Shabbat, I enjoyed great meals and a lot of time to sleep, read, and of course daven. This Shabbat was the first ever that I motivated myself to daven 3 times throughout the day, and I owe this to my amazing directors and advisors on ICE. Can’t wait to reunite with all my friends tomorrow 🙂

-Orly Krupp